Наукові конференції та семінари, Ідеї К.Д.Ушинського в сучасній педагогіці

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The implementation of K. Ushynskii’s folk edukation principle in the practice of modern pre-schools
Т. Андреєва Т. Чернецька

Last modified: 2014-03-21


The article is devoted to the implementation of the principle of nationality Konstantin Ushynsky in the practice of modern kindergartens. Reveals thoughts K. Ushynsky on the use of folk traditions , native language , folklore in the education of the younger generation. The characteristic of the existing variant programs of education and training of preschool children , authoring the use of Ethnology in pre-school .

Key words: Konstantin Ushinsky , the principle of nationality , the national system of education , folk pedagogy , preschool education, ethnology .