prof.dr. A.J.M. de Jong (Ton)
Ton de Jong holds a chair in Instructional Technology at the University of Twente, the Netherlands. He specializes in inquiry learning and collaborative learning (mainly in science domains) supported by technology. He was coordinator of several EU projects and several national projects including the ZAP project in which interactive games/simulations for psychology were developed. ZAPs commercial licences now go over 80.000 in number. He was coordinator of the 7th framework Go-Lab project on learning with online laboratories in science and currently is coordinator of its H2020 follow-up project Next-Lab (see He published over 200 journal articles and book chapters, was associate editor for theJournal of Engineering Education and for Instructional Science and currently is on the editorial board of eight journals. He has published papers in Science on inquiry learning with computer simulations (2006), design environments (2013), and virtual laboratories (2013). He is AERA and ISLS fellow and was elected member of the Academia Europaea in 2014. For more info see:

Jan M. Pawlowski
Jan M. Pawlowski is Professor for Business Information Systems at the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences since 2014. After his Dissertation (Dr. rer. pol.) and Habilitation (Business Information Systems) at the University of Duisburg-Essen, he was professor for Global Information Systems at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland. He was founder of an enterprise for quality management and certification (Delzert) and chaired a private research institute for Knowledge Management and E-Learning in Seoul, Korea. He has been active as consultant for organizational change and transformation, currently focusing on Digital Transformation. He is active in commissions and organizations such as the German Scientific Commission on Business Information Systems (WKWI), IEEE, AIS and CEN. He focuses on teaching and research in Business Information Systems, in particular from a global perspective such as managing globally distributed business processes and designing support systems for global collaborations.
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